UBF had succesfully organized an engagement session on 14th April 2021 with our partners to deliver aspiration and expectation from our top management and PETRONAS Chemicals Fertiliser Kedah Sdn Bhd (PCFKSB) towards the upcoming Turnaround (TA).
The event was kicked off by an opening remark from Managing Director, Haji Khairul Anuar bin Mohd Nor and followed by an inspiring speech by Dato’ Dr Leom Joo Deck. Both expressed their hopes for our partners to give their best of services for the TA. The session was also attended by TACS TAPP manager, Mr Azrul Asraf bin Jabali, who touched on the challenges during this Covid-19 pandemic and measures to optimise operation responsibly. Also present via Microsoft Team platform, was Mr Junaidi bin Mohamad, the Head of Turnaround Centralised Services, to convey his expectation towards us as the main contractor and our partners for the TA.
An effective Turnaround is the result from an outstanding collaborative effort from personnel and contractors at all levels taking responsibility for safeguarding each and every part of the process. We believe with teamwork, a successful Turnaround can be realized with safety, quality, timely delivery and cost-effective.